If you are interested in joining the Civil Censorship Study Group, click here to download an application form. Completed forms should be sent, along with your payment, to your local branch. See below for branch details and subscription rates. Our membership rules are available to view here.
Beginning in 2016 we offer two forms of delivery. "Paper" will deliver the usual printed Bulletin (in black and white) and announcements by post. "Electronic" will deliver the same (except Bulletin in color) as files attached to an e-mail. In all cases, the auction lists will be published on the CCSG website.
For Europe, Africa, Asia and Australasia By cheque, standing order, or other direct payment to our bank Sent to/ Format: Paper Electronic UK £15 £5
Rest of Europe £20 £5
Af./As./Australasia £25 £5
Payment in cash (sent at remitter's risk) accepted in £ or equiv in $ or Euros. For PayPal payments, see below.
Cheques etc to be payable to Civil Censorship Study Group. Please contact Hon Treasurer for the bank details if you wish to use a standing order arrangement. The equivalent in US$ or Euro notes are acceptable when sent by post (at sender’s risk) to the Hon Treasurer. Cheques and cash to be sent to: Graham Mark Payment can be accepted by PayPal to Hon Treasurer at gmarkb34@btinternet.com Please add 5% (min. 50p) to cover the Paypal fee. |
For North, Central and South America By US$ check payable to Robert Gray Sent to/ Format: Paper Electronic US $25 $6 Other Americas $31 $6 Check Payment should be sent to: Robert Gray CCSG Americas Secretary PO Box 272 Livingston, NJ 07039 USA PayPal payments can be made to Please add 5% (min. $.50) to cover the Paypal fee. |