How To Do It

This is relevant for people posting auction lots, exhibits and regular forum queries.

How To Do It

Postby dannmayo » Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:41 pm

NOTE: This space has been created for members with web credentials to practice their photo-linking skills using the instruction set below. It has been written with an eye to auction vendors who might want to upload scans of their lots (something not economically practical in the printed version of the action), but the same procedures are relevant to people wanting to upload scans of their exhibit ages and scans attached to their posts.

For people uploading exhibit pages, the first step would be to create a new post under the Exhibits forum, then type in a Table of Contents. After that you upload your scanned images and link them to the relevant lines in the TOC using the same methods as described below for the auctions listings.

For other forum posts (e.g., a new listing in the WWII forum, you do need to create the new post and upload the image, but there is no need to link it.

Herewith, step-by-step instructions using a couple of auction lot examples.

27 1941 (Sep 10) Plain envelope to PARCELS FOR BELGIAN PRISONERS, 1780 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, bearing Belgium 1f & 75c tied Uccle / Ukkel cds & with on back Geoffnet / Obercommando der Wehrmacht / -b- label tied scarce circular Auslandsbriefprofstelle Berlin / +Briefstempel + hand stamp (Riemer B-1) in red. Mail from Belgium was normally censored in Cologne, scarce & desirable item [1396] £20.00

47 DANMARK -GB [FORWARDED] 1945 (Jul 13) D.B. Alder & Co., a/s Direktionen printed envelope by Airmail to Cheltenham & forwarded to Thames Ditton, Surrey bearing definitive 1Kr. tied Kobenhagen / K machine date stamp & with continuous Udlandspostkontollen Crown Denmark label tied circular Crown / 355 / Denmark hand stamp in violet & on back Cheltenham (20 Jul) transit machine date stamp. Good solo franking of 1Kr [1407] £20.00


For the auction lists already posted, you will find an Edit tab near the top of the page. (For other posts that you have just started, you are already in Edit mode, but if you want to go back and change a submission, you would click on the link to that post then use the Edit tab.) This gets you the auction text in an interior box with it's own up/down bar. The whole page also has an up down bar and, at the bottom of the whole page an "Upload Attachment" tab.

Click on the Upload Attachment tab and you get a box with a Browse button and a "No file selected" text.

Click on Browse and you get a bunch of directories on your computer. Work your way to where you have your scans stored on your computer, select (click on) the scan you want to upload and click the "Open" button in that box. (Alternatively, double click on the scan name and you don't have to click the Open button.) This will put the scan in the box previously occupied by ""No file selected."

Click on the "Add the file" button to the right of the scan name and the scan will be uploaded to the page.

Repeat this process until you have uploaded all of the scans that you want to attach to the lot listings.

Okay so far? If not, get back to me ( with questions before going any further.


At this point, you would have the scan on the page-in-progress. If you were to click on the Submit button, the page-in-progress would be uploaded (and would replace the existing file, if any). That gets the scan onto the site, but only in the list of attachments -- not linked to the lot description. The linking process gave me some problems at first, because I'm only slightly more computer literate than average. However, my older son is substantially computer-literate, and he gave me the necessary html instruction, which is:

Code: Select all

(NOTE: For here and below, you do not type in the CODE: SELECT ALL text -- just cut and paste the part from [url]through[/url], inclusive.)

The easiest way for you to set up the link is to copy that line of code and put it in place where you want to make the link, in front of the existing lot number. You would delete the existing text (here 77) from the text of the lot listing itself and put that same number in the line of code where the 77 is. So, for example, if you were going to link lot 27, the edited text would look like this

27 1941 (Sep 10) Plain envelope to PARCELS FOR BELGIAN PRISONERS, 1780 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, bearing Belgium 1f & 75c tied Uccle / Ukkel cds & with on back Geoffnet / Obercommando der Wehrmacht / -b- label tied scarce circular Auslandsbriefprofstelle Berlin / +Briefstempel + hand stamp (Riemer B-1) in red. Mail from Belgium was normally censored in Cologne, scarce & desirable item [1396] £20.00

That would establish a link, but the link would be to the photo for lot 77, so you have to make one more change, to the part that says "file.php?id=465". Specifically, you have to change that "465" to the photo id number associated with the scan for lot 27, which you already uploaded using the procedures set out in part 1 of these instructions.

To find the photo id number for the scan of the cover that you uploaded for lot 27:

Go to the listing below the box with the editable text, of the attachment(s) that you uploaded and RIGHT click on the appropriate scan -- whatever you called it

This brings up a dialog box with the option

Inspect Element

toward the bottom. (Left) Click on that and it will open a box at the bottom of the screen with the element text highlighted

<a class="right" href="./download/file.php?mode=view&id=XXX"></a>

where XXX is a number associated with your scan for that item -- for this discussion let's assume it is 987 though it will be whatever it is when you do it.

What you are looking for is in the part that says "php?mode=view&id=987"

This tells you that the photo id number for the scan of lot 27 is 987.

You would take that information and change the 465 in

Code: Select all

at lot 27 to

Code: Select all

You can get rid of the Inspect element box by clicking on the X at the upper right of that box.

Now you have your scan on the site, and the lot description edited to link the scan to the lot number and change the text in the lot description so that the lot number is blue and underlined.

If you have more scans to link, you would just repeat the above process for each scan until you're done, at which point you can click the Preview button to see how things look, and the Submit button when you are satisfied that you got it right. (If you have a lot of edits, you might want to submit part-way through in case something goes wrong with your computer. There is no auto-save feature in this program, so if you crash you lose whatever work was not submitted. It does have a Save Draft feature, but I do not like it as it is too limited.)

If you decide you've made a hash of things and want to start over, do not click the Submit button. Instead, you can use the back button on your browser, or go to the top of the page and click on "Board Index," to get out without making any changes. Then, go have a drink and start over.
Posts: 143
Joined: Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:29 am

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